How do I apply for a project?
See the instruction manual for students.
Are these all the opportunities?
This is a pilot period for TREO, specifically for the Biology Department, but not every opportunity is posted. If you're interested in working in a particular lab group in Biology, but you don't see any postings from that group, we suggest you email the PI directly.
What are "rounds"?
TREO rounds (also known as project rounds) are clearly defined time periods throughout the year during which mentors post research projects, students apply, and positions are filled and mentor-student contracts are signed. Each are broken down into four segments: mentors post research projects (~7-10 days), students apply for projects (~7-10 days), mentors review student applicants and accept/reject (~10-14 days), and mentors who elect to do so work with their accepted students to develop a mentor-student contract that articulates project responsibilities and expectations (7 days).
When do rounds happen?
TREO rounds occur during the academic period just before the opportunity. Right now, we are offering a Spring round for summer opportunities (March/April) and a summer round for fall opportunities (June/July).
Why are there project "rounds"?
For most students, there is not an obvious time of the year to search for research positions. Right now, TREO will be running three rounds per year. With timed rounds, students can feel confident that they can look for projects at specific time periods and not worry about constantly searching throughout the year.
Do you wish there were more rounds at particular times of the year? Contact TREO staff (using the Contact form once you are logged in to the site) to make suggestions.