Building soft robots for searching complex terrain

The goal of this project is to develop our MONOLiTH robot for future use as a search device to find survivors in disaster situations. MONOLiTH has a foam chassis, making it highly deformable and resistant to damage. It uses conventional motors to operate tendon actuators for locomotion and steering but there are interesting challenges in controlling a machine that can change its size and shape. The project will explore how to use off-the-shelf hardware and custom software to make the robot reliable, cheap, and versatile. This project will be suitable for someone who has experience building things and who is comfortable with electrical circuits and simple Arduino or Raspberry Pi programming. 

We have our own FAB lab with professional grade 3D scanning and printing machines, a vacuum caster, soldering stations and assembly tools.

Name of research group, project, or lab
Trimmer Lab (Neuromechanics and Biomimetic Devices Laboratory)
Why join this research group or lab?

This research is based in a fun lab that emphasizes curiosity and independence. We have a very wide range of facilities that includes a full neurophysiology suite, cell culture and molecular tools and a "project room" for building whatever you need for your experiments. Although the live animal work is focused on the insect Manduca sexta, we also encourage students to think about the wider implications of their research. With this in mind ,we build soft robots that can squeeze through difficult terrain and grow insect cells in culture for possible use as living actuators or food production. 

Representative publication
Logistics Information:
Project categories
Materials Science
Physiology, Neurobiology, and Biomechanics
Student ranks applicable
2nd year undergraduate
3rd year undergraduate
4th year undergraduate
Student qualifications

To be successful in the laboratory students will need to be highly motivated and dedicate sufficient time to do their experiments. Once trained, you will be given considerable independence, but we expect you to take ownership of the work, keep detailed records, and to be responsible for getting results. Students will be treated as full members of the lab team and will share maintenance responsibilities and must attend the weekly lab meetings. Most of our work requires fine motor skills but we will train you in the use of the appropriate tools including microscopes and micromanipulators. For the research on Manduca you will need to be comfortable with handling caterpillars and moths and willing to perform experiments on living animals and tissues.

Our work in robotics is suitable for someone with experience building things and who is comfortable with electrical circuits and simple Arduino or Raspberry Pi programming. Although we do not require an engineering background basic skills in CAD software will be an asset.

Hours per week
Unpaid - Course Credit
Number of openings
Techniques learned

3D printing

3D scanning

Circuit design

Arduino/Raspberry Pi programming

Video tracking


Project start
January 2025
Contact Information:
Principal Investigator
Name of project director or principal investigator
Barry Trimmer
Email address of project director or principal investigator
1 sp. | 0 appl.
Hours per week
Project categories
Materials Science (+1)
Materials SciencePhysiology, Neurobiology, and Biomechanics