Ecology and evolution of microbiomes

The Wolfe Lab uses model microbial systems to understand how microbiomes form and function. Some of the questions we ask include: 1) How do microbial species interact within communities and what are the consequences of those interactions? 2) How do microbes evolve within communities? 3) How can we use principles of microbial ecology to help food producers control the quality of their fermented food products? 

We will not be posting specific projects here. Instead, we will work with individual students to develop projects that align with their research interests/goals. Instead of submitting an application, please just email Prof. Wolfe ( at any time to discuss developing a research project in the Wolfe Lab. He will schedule a meeting with you to learn about your interests and explore current research opportunities in the lab.

Students are also welcome to sit in on our weekly Wolfe Lab meetings to learn more about what we do. Email Prof. Wolfe for time and location information.

Name of research group, project, or lab
Wolfe Lab
Representative publication
Logistics Information:
Project categories
Microbial Ecology
Student ranks applicable
1st year undergraduate
2nd year undergraduate
3rd year undergraduate
4th year undergraduate
Student qualifications

We seek individuals who are creative, have attention to detail, enjoy working in a dynamic lab environment, and help create an inclusive team environment. 

Hours per week
Paid - General
Paid - Work-Study Required
Unpaid - Course Credit
Unpaid - Volunteer
Number of openings
Techniques learned

Students will learn a range of techniques, depending on the project they develop with Prof. Wolfe and his team. This could include microbial community assays, comparative genomics, transcriptomics, and metagenomics.

Project start
Students can start at any point in time. Please email Professor Wolfe (
Contact Information:
Principal Investigator
Name of project director or principal investigator
Benjamin Wolfe
Email address of project director or principal investigator
5 sp. | 0 appl.
Hours per week
10-15hrs/wk (+2)
Project categories
Microbial Ecology