Ecology and evolution of microbiomes
The Wolfe Lab uses model microbial systems to understand how microbiomes form and function. Some of the questions we ask include: 1) How do microbial species interact within communities and what are the consequences of those interactions? 2) How do microbes evolve within communities? 3) How can we use principles of microbial ecology to help food producers control the quality of their fermented food products?
We will not be posting specific projects here. Instead, we will work with individual students to develop projects that align with their research interests/goals. Instead of submitting an application, please just email Prof. Wolfe ( at any time to discuss developing a research project in the Wolfe Lab. He will schedule a meeting with you to learn about your interests and explore current research opportunities in the lab.
Students are also welcome to sit in on our weekly Wolfe Lab meetings to learn more about what we do. Email Prof. Wolfe for time and location information.